Thursday, January 31, 2013

Senior Center Food Drive


When I learned that the West Chester Area Senior Center was in dire need of non-perishable food items for their “Emergency Snow Sac” program, I knew I had to ask my teammates at JL Architects to help out & step in.  Given JLA’s resolution to reach out further to our community, I organized a collection for items such as canned soup, tuna, fruit cups, granola bars, crackers and peanut butter.
 A few days before the “Emergency Snow Sacs” were to be delivered to the seniors, I walked into the West Chester Area Senior Center to deliver a HEAVY box filled with the food items that were collected. I had never been to their facility before, but from the moment I walked in I knew where I would be hanging out during my wonderful golden years. All of the men and woman looked so happy & excited; they were having a blast as upbeat music filled the rooms. The executive director, Kathy, met with me for a few moments.  She was so excited and appreciative of the donation I had just delivered and offered to take me on a tour of the facility during my next visit. I left the Senior Center with a renewed spirit and many thoughts on how we could assist this organization even more.

" Joy increases as you give it, and diminishes as you try to keep it yourself. In giving it, you will accumulate a deposit of joy greater than you ever believed possible." Norman Vincent Peale

Deanna Zynn


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