Thursday, January 3, 2013

Resolutions for 2013!

As 2012 ends and 2013  begins, we fall into the "Calendar Trap";  evaluating our lives at an otherwise irreleveant milestone, December 31. Perhaps it is because we change that number on the date so seldom or our paystubs are reset to zero. For whatever reason it is an activity many of us share in on the same day.  
Another annual ritual is the New Year's Resolution. Many are made and almost as many are broken, but the optimist in me says that a single fulfillment is progress and a victory over simply marking time. 
In recogition of the tradition of taking on a goal and the well meaning motivator for making it a public intention, we offer up a few of our own personal resolutons:
  • Make this year better than last year by participating in the world around me. Provide not just for my family, but for all members of my immediate and extended team by being successful in what we do. Run 1000 miles this year.
  • Start a prayer group in my home. Organize, copy & distribute family photos, prayers and letters that I found in my parent's drawers. Learn Photoshop.
  • Embarrass my teenage children more this year than last year.
  • Study, Take and PASS the Architectural Registration Exams.
  • Donate more of my free time to people in need of a smile, a conversation and activities (nursing homes) and to spend more time at the animal shelter.
  • Start walking and biking to work more often.
  • Continue to study for the Architectural Registration Exams and to start a weekly workout routine, including to learn proper swimming strokes.

A couple interesting additions and comments on resolutions: 
  • January 17th is "Ditch Your New Year's Resolution Day", or so says Jeopardy!.
  • We have one friend who does not engage in resolutions, but "I do have New Year tradition. Each year I plant silver coins in the yard by 12/31 and then dig them back up on 1/1. It ensures that you will not be broke. I can't say what will happen if you don't plant it, but as long as I have been doing it (at least 25 years), I have been able to put food on the table, clothes on my family's back, give to less fortunate and save for the future. I would not stop for fear of jinxing it!"
  • Most people who don't do resolutions say they are too busy and simple see life as a series of events that you adjust to as they come.

Here at JL Architects, we have resolved to be more aware of those in need around us. After a successful Thankgiving food drive, and then supplying gifts to children in need at Christmas, we recognized that needs don't end with the holidays. Deanna is spearheading our effort to reach out with our time & resources to the needs of our larger community.

Our first effort for 2013 is helping out the local Senior Center with boxed lunches. If you are local to West Chester, and would like to contribute to this effort, donations of Tuna, Soup Cans, Fruit Cups, Raisins, Dried Fruit, Crackers, and Granola Bars will be collected in our office through January 9, 2013. All donations collected will be delivered on the 11th of January.

We will also collect canned goods and non-perishables year round for the Chester County Food Bank. Our staff donated 54 pounds of food to the Chester County Food Bank for the Thanksgiving drive in 2012. We would love to triple that amount this year. Other investments of our time will likely include the Summer Harvest program. This is a program where our employees will donate 2 hours a week working in the fields, planting, weeding and harvesting healthy vegetables for families in need.

We are grateful to all our clients whose contribution to the growth of JL Architects allows us to share with others less fortunate. Our resolution is to make a difference in our community in 2013!


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