Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Dot.com Shopping

How often do you shop with a local retailer over an internet retailer? What do you like about the shop down the street? What draws you to an online retailer? How has internet shopping changed your purchasing habits? When do you choose a "bricks and mortar" store over a internet store?

Whether it's shopping for groceries, picking-up office supplies, or buying a gift, every day we make a contribution to the local, regional, or international market place. As recently as fifteen years ago the retail environment was more localized and ordering a pizza online was unimaginable. In the last few years however; with the increasing popularity of smart phones and web-based retailers that offer a complete array of products; it's probably more unusual for you to NOT consult the internet. Perhaps you go online to quickly read a review or check out a free shipping offer. These promos can entice even the most skeptical shopper to purchase and wait for a package to be delivered. With overnight shipping, the wait is seldom very long.

Share your thoughts with us by posting a comment below. Are you still interested in reading more? Then click the link below for a recent article on the holiday shopping forecast.


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