Tuesday, April 23, 2013

For Boston

 I am passionate about giving back to our community by donating my time to people in need.  When I was able to bring my passion to work, I was even more thrilled. Throughout the past year JL Architects has donated monetary and non-perishable items to people in need, and run our own food drives for the local senior center and the local food bank. Now, we would like to extend our giving to the families in Boston affected by the bombings.

The travesty that has just occurred in Boston during the Boston Marathon breaks my heart and I wish I could be there to help the families through this traumatic time. So many families are suffering right now whether it is through the death of a loved one such as, 8 year old Martin Richard, Krystle Campbell and the 23 year old Lu Lingzi from Boston University or the critically injured family members such as Martin Richards’s mother and sister.  Over 170 people have been injured and many of those will require a life time of care through multiple surgeries, prosthetics and PTSD counseling, etc. Will you help us to help them?

Earlier in the year I started a change for “change” jar in the office and decorated it with different charities that we are all passionate about.  At the end of the year, one charity will be randomly chosen to be the benefactor of our donated change.   John and Lisa will be matching our group collection.
When the tragedy in Boston presented itself, we decided to dedicate our current jar collection, and to raise as much money as possible for a group donation to www.Onefundboston.org  by the end of April 2013.

John and Lisa said they would match what we have collected; I don’t think they knew I would take it this far.
All of your help whether it be a donation to put into my “change” jar, or donating directly to www.Onefundboston.org, will be humbly appreciated.

Blessings to all,
DeAnna Zynn

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